Kubernetes Odysseys are curated highlights from my explorations across the web. I seek out and share intriguing and noteworthy links related to all things Kubernetes. You can find all my Kubernetes bookmarks on Pinboard and explore all my blog posts categorized under Kubernetes.

EKS Workshop

Practical exercises to learn about Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. I browsed most of the workshop instructions and am impressed with the structure, depth, and approach Amazon has taken here. While I’m currently building a cluster from scratch using AWS EC2, at some point I plan to follow this workshop and potentially stream my experience on Twitch. If that interests you, let me know.

Docker Containers vs. Kubernetes Pods - Taking a Deeper Look

A fascinating deep dive by the venerable Ivan Velichko of iximiuz Labs, [The] Learning Platform to Master Cloud Native Craft. In this article, Ivan explores the differences between Docker Containers and Kubernetes Pods in a masterful way. The most intriguing part for me? As I read the article, I was able to follow along in a lab. See the screenshot below to see what I’m talking about. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant way to read an article and learn by doing.


Finally, for this week’s Kubernetes Odyssey, I will leave you with a fantastic visual tool you may want to check out for your clusters.

VpK - Visually presented Kubernetes

This application, available on GitHub, presents Kubernetes resources and configurations in a visual and graphic fashion. You can install it on a local computer or from a Docker container. Keep in mind, this is not a real time monitoring tool. It’s a way to capture a snapshot in time. Check out some of these visuals you can create with it…



That’s it for this week’s Kubernetes Odyssey. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next week with more links from my travels across the web. - Donovan