As I continue to leverage my Dream Machine Pro by utilizing the features it provides, the next thing I’m working on is setting up DDNS and Teleport. I’ve already got DDNS configured to work with Cloudflare but that requires running a script on my Raspberry Pi. I recently removed my Raspberry Pi’s from the server rack so it’s time to mix it up.
UniFi doesn’t support Cloudflare for DDNS, for some reason. They support a number of other platforms though, and Namecheap is one of them. I host some of my domains on Namecheap as well as Hover so I decided to simplify things and go with a supported solution. So, tonight I transferred my homelab domain from Hover to Namecheap and once the transfer is complete, I’ll setup DDNS and do away with my Cloudflare config.
I believe this means I’ll also need to stop using Cloudflare tunnels since Namecheap will act as the name server. That’s alright. I don’t really care if I use Cloudflare tunnels or not, honestly.
I also removed my Wireguard config for VPN access. I’m going to only use Teleport, UniFi’s solution which is built on top of Wireguard anyway. And my current Wireguard solution broke when I removed the Raspberry Pi’s. so I needed a new solution and Teleport is it.
I look forward to this more streamlined solution using built-in functionality.