Command-Shift-P in fman no longer works for me. Hmph.
Snow day today. I don’t have to take the kids anywhere. YES!
i wish touche, the mac app, floated.
Orderd myself a Keychron keyboard
∞ Additional Application Support in Marked
This is pretty slick. Now that I’m back on nvALT, I needed to figure this out.
You can drag an entire folder to the Marked icon and it will open a window which always shows the most recently edited text file in the folder. Marked watches for changes in all files, then looks for the newest text file and displays it. If the file is the same as the last check, then it scrolls to the edit position and works as usual.
∞ 7 easy Instant Pot recipes
While these recipes would typically require hours in a slow cooker or Dutch oven, the Instant Pot cooks these up in an hour and a half or less.
We use our Instant Pot constantly. Always on the lookout for easy, quick recipes. Butcher Box is a fantastic source for recipes lately.
∞ Marked 2 gets handy update
Anyway, the latest version of Marked 2 (2.5.30) is available on all channels now (Mac App Store, direct, and Setapp). I’ve been holding off posting about it until the MAS review finished, and I’m pleased to announce that after 3 weeks, it finally has.
∞ “Marked 2 gets handy update” on
i am thankful for zapier paths
The upcoming clamp down at work has prompted me to remove all the personal things from my work laptop. Quite an adventure. So much intertwined. It’s going to take some getting used to.
OK, Blot is awesome. I ponied up the $20 annual fee.
I really, really want to delete my IG account. The only thing holding me back is that my IG photos integrate with the Gyroscope app. I wish the Gyroscope people would offer an alternative to adding photos.
discovered fman. wow. exactly what the doctor ordered.
Happy fucking new year
Moved all my notes into NotePlan
Ugly Xmas sweater party. Check.
Posting to from MarsEdit. Now we’re talking.
determined to rid myself of a graveyard of todo’s. it’s exhausting. going to purge my things backlog and try living day by day.