Bought a Slice Planner. Eager to check it out. The 1 star reviews of the app have me concerned but hey, it was only $20. So, if the app sucks as much as the reviewers say then at least I still have a functioning notebook.
Took my five year old to a birthday party at Jungle Quest today. She had no interest in participating in the ‘harness required’ events which left two slides and a cave to enjoy. Maybe next year she’ll be up for it.
TrainAsONE is my 10K AI running coach…
This morning’s run.
Why did it take me so long to install the Things 3 PopClip extension?…
Finally! Using my Bose headset plugged directly into my iPhoneX produced a good quality microcast via Wavelength/Auphonic. I guess this means I should not be using wireless like my Airpods/BeatsX? Bummer.
It’s rainsnowing today.
I think I’ll try my third Wavelength microcast later on today. This time, rather than using my Airpods or BeatsX, I"ll just speak directly into the iPhone. Perhaps that will produce a better quality result.
After a computer swap, I finally got back up and running with RapidWeaver. What a friggin' frustrating experience that was to get stacks and foundation pieces back in their proper place.
I’ve created two microcasts. Each time, I’ve gotten this message from Auphonic… ‘The input file of your Auphonic production has a very low bitrate (25.14kbps)!’ The first time I used my Airpods, this time I used my BeatsX. Should I not be using those for my microphone?
Trees are showing their colors.
Clay Basket was my first introduction to creating a website. As I surveyed the available options at the time, it was clear that Clay Basket was built on a powerful foundation. Frontier treated me well for years after that.