Looking into how I might best use TaskPaper and Reminders.
Intrigued by LinkLocker. linklocker.co
Need to get a new magic keyboard so I don’t have to keep swapping batteries all the time.
Been using Parseur to parse emails. Really well done solution. app.parseur.com
Had to ask Zapier for help with my most advanced Zap yet. So close yet so far. Their support rocks.
Been turning to Keyboard Maestro more and more lately. Today I’m working on a macro to quickly delete a Box folder when a particular email arrives.
The lack of a TransLoader share sheet when I need it most is deflating.
Would like Drafts for Mac.
Would like to be able to post to Micro.blog from Drafts.
In one Pinboard, out the other.
Zapier driven by Alfred is pretty much my holy grail. zapier.com/blog/zapi…
Experimenting with Twist as a Slack alternative. I do believe that Slack is not conducive to focusing on doing great work.
Made my Chuze Fitness barcode my Apple Watch background. Should work, right? The date stamp is persistent but I don’t think that should be an issue. Will find out tomorrow.
Added my Pinboard.
Trying out Spark email client again. Really nice touches throughout like exporting an email to Reminders, beautiful calendar invites, and Prefs syncing across devices.
Figured out how to use Keyboard Maestro’s URL scheme to solve a particular need at work. I’ve been able to reduce a several minute manual chore down to one click on a notification in MacOS.
Trying out GoodTask and loving it. Thanks to SetApp, I already have access to it and am now thinking this may be what I move to from Daylite.
Surprised there is not a Reminders app PopClip extension.